Bible Study for Today

What were the sources for the writer of the Chronicles? 

The inspiration of Scripture (2 Tim. 3:16) was sometimes accomplished through direct revelation from God without a human writer, e.g., the Mosaic Law. At other times, God used human sources, as mentioned in Luke 1:1–4. Such was the experience of the chronicler as evidenced by the many contributing sources. Whether the material came through direct revelation or by existing resources, God’s inspiration through the Holy Spirit prevented the original human authors of Scripture from any error (2 Pet. 1:19–21). Although relatively few scribal errors have been made in copying Scripture, they can be identified and corrected. Thus, the original, inerrant content of the Bible has been preserved.

1. Book of the Kings of Israel/Judah (1 Chr. 9:1; 2 Chr. 16:11; 20:34; 25:26; 27:7; 28:26; 32:32; 35:27; 36:8)

2. The Chronicles of David (1 Chr. 27:24)

3. Book of Samuel (1 Chr. 29:29)

4. Book of Nathan (1 Chr. 29:29; 2 Chr. 9:29)

5. Book of Gad (1 Chr. 29:29)

6. Prophecy of Ahijah the Shilonite (2 Chr. 9:29)

7. Visions of Iddo (2 Chr. 9:29)

8. Records of Shemaiah (2 Chr. 12:15)

9. Records of Iddo (2 Chr. 12:15)

10. Annals of Iddo (2 Chr. 13:22)

11. Annals of Jehu (2 Chr. 20:34)

12. Commentary on the Book of the Kings (2 Chr. 24:27)

13. Acts of Uzziah by Isaiah (2 Chr. 26:22)

14. Letters/Message of Sennacherib (2 Chr. 32:10–17)

15. Vision of Isaiah (2 Chr. 32:32)

16. Words of the Seers (2 Chr. 33:18)

17. Sayings of Hozai (2 Chr. 33:19)

18. Written instructions of David and Solomon (2 Chr. 35:4)

19. The Laments (2 Chr. 35:25)

Reading for Today:

1 Chronicles 11:1–12:40Psalm 77:16-20Proverbs 19:17-19Acts 7:1-21


1 Chronicles 12:18 the Spirit. A temporary empowerment by the Holy Spirit to assure David that the Benjamites and Judahites were loyal to him and that the cause was blessed by God.

Acts 7:2–53 Stephen’s response does not seem to answer the high priest’s question. Instead, he gave a masterful, detailed defense of the Christian faith from the Old Testament and concluded by condemning the Jewish leaders for rejecting Jesus.

Acts 7:2 The God of glory. A title used only here and in Psalm 29:3.God’s glory is the sum of His attributes (Ex. 33:18, 19).Abraham…Mesopotamia, before he dwelt in Haran. Genesis 12:1–4 refers to the repeat of this call after Abraham had settled in Haran (ca. 500 miles northwest of Ur). Evidently, God had originally called Abraham while he was living in Ur (Gen. 15:7; Neh. 9:7), then repeated that call at Haran (Gen. 11:31–12:3). 


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