I Will Bring Them Back

The virgins will rejoice with dancing, together with young men and old men. For I’ll turn their mourning into joy, and I’ll comfort them and give them gladness instead of sorrow. Jeremiah 31:13

This tells of God’s promise to bring back those who were exiled when they were overthrown by the Assyrians.  The Northern Kingdom was no more.  But God promises restoration.  He will rebuild Israel and Judah.  The exiles will return and the Lord promises to restore them with grain and oil, new wine and new flocks.  God never abandons his people.  The Israelites had abandoned God, they had not listened to the prophets, in this case Jeremiah and Isaiah, and so  Israel had been defeated by the Assyrians and Judah by the Babylonians.  The Assyrians drove the people out and they had to find new places to live, the Babylonians had sent them into exile in Babylon.  Now God is promising to forgive them, bring them back and help them to thrive.  We know, however, that it didn’t take that long for them to ignore God, to return to their old ways and eventually, they are overcome again by the Greeks and the Romans. God brings us back from the disasters we create for ourselves too.  We are forgiven for ignoring the commandments and doing whatever gives us pleasure, regardless of the cost.  We make a mess of our lives and then beg God for forgiveness.  The good thing is that God is always willing to forgive us when we repent.  Some of these times, the problems we cause for ourselves are not that easily taken care of and we might have to live with the consequences of our actions for years, just as the exiles did.  But God helps us to deal with these consequences so that our lives may be restored, and we might live again in his presence. 

Prayer: Gracious God, you are so good to us, so willing to forgive us when we stray and search for us so that you might bring us back into your presence.  Thank you for never forgetting us and loving us no matter what. Amen.


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