The Widow Naim

This story of Jesus’ raising the son of the widow of Naim gives us some information that lets us know just how important it was for this widow.  At that time, women had no way to earn a living.  They were property of their parents until they became property of their husbands, and actually moved into the home of the husband.  Now that this widow’s son had died, she had no one to take care of her.  The compassion that Jesus showed meant life to that widow.  I’m sure the leaders weren’t too happy that the power of God to raise someone from the dead rested in Jesus.  There must also have been those who were saying, “Why her and not me?”  We all will die and we will all lose someone we love including those of us who have and will lose children.  We can easily read this passage and question.  It can be difficult to understand God’s plan for us, even though we keep trying.  It is better to concentrate on the positive than the negative.  A priest I once knew lost both of his parents when he was in his teens.  He decided to thank God for the years he had and the love they gave him instead of the years that he would not share with them.  We, too, can have this perspective even though it is a difficult one.  We have two choices, we can accept what life gives us and thank God for helping us to deal with it; or we can blame God for our misfortunes and lose the opportunity to grow closer to him and to his son by carrying our crosses with faith in his love. 

Prayer: Lord, we all suffer and you are with all of us during our sufferings.  Jesus showed compassion to the widow and he shows compassion to us even when we don’t understand why we must carry our crosses.  Help us to thank you for our blessings and not blame you when bad things happen. Amen.


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