The Unbelieving Believer

What a subject to discuss as it comes with a paradox. Could it be possible that as a believer in Jesus Christ, there is a certain aspect of his teaching you still struggle with to believe.  Thomas was a good example in this regards. In John 20:19-24, Jesus visited his disciples after resurrection and commissioned them for the work of the ministry. But at this time, Thomas was absent, probably busy somewhere running his own business. But when the other disciples informed him about Jesus' visitation here is what he said, in verse 25b "... except I shall see in his hands the print of the nails, and put my finger into the print of the nails, and thrust my hand into his side, I will not believe". Is this not the same with many of us preachers, who talk about the power of resurrection, but somehow internally struggle with the efficacy of God's power to raise the dead.

Some people would criticise what they cannot accept or believe until they see a raw manifestation from someone they somewhat trust. Even with that they will still have an iota of doubt in their minds, if such kind of miracle is possible in the Christendom. The truth is that many of us have failed to experience the true power of God because of the hardness of our heart, while the simple hearted ordinary followers are enjoying the fruits of God's greatness. Today, pastors preach all kinds of sermons just to avoid the real ones that could set them up to demonstrate what the Bible truly teaches. They would rather talk about things that would excite the minds of the people while diverting them from what really matters.  Also, many preachers suffer under reproach of sickness and disease but fail to exercise faith in depth and thus remain victim of satanic affliction, while their followers who listen to their preaching simply get their healing easily. Unfortunately, we only teach or preach just for the sake of the assignment.

Below are some of things we preachers of today secretly struggle with in our minds. As I enumerate them, I want to understand that believe is not only a thing of mouth but much more of the heart. The Bible says in Romans 10:9-10, "That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation." So hear what we say with our mouth but don't really believe in our heart:

1.  That believers can live above sin 100%. If we do, we will manifest it and be a good example in our lives through holy living.

2.  That believers can manifest the power of God in an unusual or uncommon way. But this is something we avoid, because we don't want to be embarrassed. We don't want others to tag us as demon possessed preachers. Remember, what a person believes in he will defend and die for it. They called Jesus all sought of names because his approach was quite alien to the religious patterns of the Pharisees and the Sadducees of that time.

3. That God can forgive and save worse sinners. We most times struggle in our minds to accept a person who hurt our feelings or did something we disgust to be wholly accepted into to the christian fold as a worker in God's vineyard. We claim to forgive but refuse to allow them to serve God around our sphere of influence. How do we preach of the saving grace but refuse to forgive another person under us.

4.  That God can allow a sinful person to continue to manifest His power or tolerate them for a long time; until they ultimately 'self-destroy'. We have forgotten that Jesus brought grace and truth - John 1:14, 17 - "And the Word was made flesh, and  dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory,  the glory as of the only begotten of the  Father,) full of grace and truth....  For  the law was given by Moses, but grace  and truth came by Jesus Christ." Truth confronts our wrong doing, grace endures our wrongs - Jesus combined both.

5. That a Christian can see or know things 100% as God can reveal every identity of a person, if chooses to do so. Some people who fake it today, are part of those who failed to believe that God can operate that way. So to hasten the process, they seek the devil's assistance.

6. That God can bless his servants without involving in any secular job or business. This one you have to really believe before you can partake and enjoy it. Those who serve without absolutely relying on Him often suffer. Not because God is not faithful but because of their inconsistencies.

7. That Jesus can return at any time. If we believe this, we will not accommodate unforgiveness in our hearts as ministers of the gospel. It has been observed that the most deadliest sin that destroys minister of the gospel is the sin of unforgiveness.

And many other areas that I would love to highlight further as I update this teaching in the future. 

The point is that if we claim to believe in the Lord, we must accept and believe all His teachings.


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