Bible Study for Today

What is God’s word to inspire Zerubbabel to act on His promise?

Zechariah 4:6 states: “This is the word of the LORD to Zerubbabel.” The purpose of the vision was to encourage Zerubbabel to complete the temple rebuilding, to assure him of divine enablement for that venture and the endless supply for the future glory of the Messiah’s kingdom and temple. The lamp stand pictured Israel fully supplied by God to be His light then and in the future. It must be noted that the church has temporarily taken this role presently (Eph. 5:8, 9; Rev. 1:12, 13, 20), until Israel’s salvation and restoration to covenant blessing and usefulness.

“‘Not by might…power, but by My Spirit.’” Neither human might, wealth, or physical stamina would be sufficient to complete the work. Only an abundant supply of the power of the Holy Spirit, pictured by the “bowl” (v. 2), would enable him to carry out the task and enable Israel in the Messiah’s kingdom to be a light again to the world by the operation of the Spirit (Ezek. 36:24).

“‘Who are you, O great mountain? Before Zerubbabel you shall become a plain’” (v. 7). Because the outcome is guaranteed (vv. 6, 9), any mountain-like opposition will be leveled by God to become like a flat surface. No obstacle will be able to stop the completion of the temple in Zerubbabel’s time or in the final kingdom of the Messiah (Ezek. 40–48).“‘He shall bring forth the capstone.’” The final stone of the building will be put into place, signifying its completion. “‘With shouts of “Grace, grace to it!”’” This blessing signifying shouts of joy and thanksgiving came to pass (Ezra 3:11–13) over the completion of the temple. Contrast this attitude with that of the people seeing the unfinished temple (Hag. 2:3).

Reading for Today:

Zechariah 4:1–6:15Psalm 148:1-6Proverbs 30:24-28Revelation 17:1-18


Zechariah 4:10 the day of small things. Though the rebuilding of a temple smaller than Solomon’s may have been discouraging to some (Ezra 3:12; Hag. 2:3), the Lord announced that His pleasure was upon this work, and that His omniscient care (“7 eyes”) was watching over and taking pleasure in its completion. He said in effect, “Don’t despise what God is pleased with.” This was only a picture of the glorious restoration when the Messiah comes to reign. That temple will make all others pale by comparison (Ezek. 40–48).

Proverbs 30:24–28 four things which are little. These verses picture 4 creatures which survive due to natural instinct. The wisdom seen in each of these reveals the beauty of the wise Creator and His creation (Ps. 8:3–9) and becomes a model for the principle that labor, diligence, organization, planning, and resourcefulness are better than strength, thus implying the superiority of wisdom over might.

Revelation 17:5 forehead. It was customary for Roman prostitutes to wear a headband with their name on it (Jer. 3:3), parading their wretchedness for all to see. The harlot’s forehead is emblazoned with a 3-fold title descriptive of the world’s final false religious system.MYSTERY. A New Testament mystery is truth once hidden, but in the New Testament revealed. Spiritual Babylon’s true identity is yet to be revealed. Thus, the precise details of how it will be manifested in the world are not yet known.BABYLON THE GREAT. This Babylon is distinct from the historical, geographical city of Babylon (which still existed in John’s day). The details of John’s vision cannot be applied to any historical city (14:8). MOTHER OF HARLOTS. All false religion stems ultimately from Babel or Babylon (Gen. 11).


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