Fidelity in dating.

Fidelity is the quality of those who are faithful, I belong true, honest and responsible.

What it's like to be faithful
Being faithful is not only not to betray someone, it is also not to open doors for such possibilities to arise.
Fidelity is also a matter of self respect, people will not respect your relationship as long as you are always showing bachelor attitudes.

The person has to have limitations:
A person who already dates cannot accept to be touched anyway by everyone, must not allow to be called by any intimate name by friends (love, my sweet, princess, Prince, passion), only your spouse has the right to treat you like this , fidelity is not a matter of effort, it is a matter of ethical principles.
It's very normal to find another person attractive, but it's wrong to be coveting that person being that you already have your spouse.
Answer these three questions and then reflect if you are faithful or unfaithful with the answers you give:
1-do you think your spouse will like to access your Facebook???
2-at a party without your spouse, you behave as committed or single???
3-if your spouse goes to study in another country can you stay faithful???

By giving the answer you will know the level of fidelity you have.

The level of respect other people will have for their spouse depends a lot on how you behave and how you treat your better half.

Fidelity prevents constant discutições, spiritual and physical diseases, disrespect and disgrace.
You are not the best person in the world, your spouse can find someone better in all aspects, so don't be thinking that this person without you will be unhappy forever, maybe your separation will be the best thing that happens to him, so take care, Love, and be faithful.
If you lose him maybe regret won't bring him back.

Brothers pay attention-do not be armed in hearts and that you can keep all, know that every girl you flirt your date has already been paquerada by three boys, being a traitor is nonsense and relaxation of lack of maturity no matter the Age, do not follow the example of our parents who had several women, moth your own principles and be a good example for society, know that being unfaithful is easier for your girlfriend than for you, why while you strive to conquer others She just has to accept others, but she doesn't do it out of love and respect to you, so stay smart.

Pay attention to this ladies-three things that annoy many boys are: Lies, secrets, very coquette woman with other boys.
Engaging a man's heart is not very difficult, it's just you showing sincerity in your attitudes and words, it's showing respect (never go to a party without letting him know or ask for permission), don't be too intimate with other boys, boyfriends hate That you can believe, from the moment having a boyfriend you start dating a second you become a prostitute, being faithful is not being dumb is being a woman with character.

Note: the fact that you date does not mean that you will not be attracted to other people, but it is up to you to determine the principle of not giving room for that person to enter your life, because it will disrupt your relationship.

The ten principles of a faithful person are:
1-don't keep secrets.

2-not be afraid to assume the relationship.

3-do not allow much interaction with other people of the opposite sex.
4-do not leave home after hours without making your spouse known.
5-do not hide the phone and social media (if what you hide from under your pants he sees when he wants, why do you hide the phone???

6-you must not hide your relationship from your parents.
7-you can't speak ill of your spouse to your friendships.

8-respect your spouse.

9-help your spouse to be better at everything.
10-teach your spouse principles of a faithful person.


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