"But the meek shall inherit the earth and shall delight themselves in the abundance of peace" (Psm.37:11).

PSALM 37:1-11


Isaiah 50-52;
Mark 12:28-44


Fill your heart with joy and bask in it. This is what a lot of people fail to do or are incapable of achieving. Sometimes we are happy; sometimes we are not. Some days we are super stressed, while other days we feel like we have succeeded. And then there are those days when it seems like we are on a roller coaster of emotions as we experience ups and downs. This can be tagged to be normal. However, as believers in christ, we have the heritage to be happy and remain happy.

There is thus the need to control our thoughts. The question is whether there is anything we can do to tip the balance so we have more good times than bad. The answer is yes. We can control the intensity and duration of negative feelings while making choices to build and broaden the amount of positive emotions we are experiencing.

We cannot stop bad feelings from arising. Our brains are wired to react negatively to frustrations and setbacks. When we fear we're going to fail or not get what we want, we automatically react with fight or flight. Our brains begin to think about who is to blame for our predicament and prepare to attack the said individual.

There are skills that can be learned that lead to a higher level of happiness. However, like all skills, they must be practiced to be good at using them to counterbalance negative events. All the same, these approaches do not work entirely.

Friend, you can anchor your happiness on our Lord Jesus Christ. He will make rivers of joy to flow within your spirit so that no matter what you are going through, joy and happiness will never stop being yours. Receive joy, peace and happiness in Jesus' name.


Basking in happiness is through Christ


Lord, may true happiness never depart from my life in Jesus'


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