"And went to him, and bound up his wound pouring in oil and wine, and set him on his own beast, and brought him to an inn, and took care of him " (Luke 10:34).

LUKE 10:25-37


Isaiah 47-49
Mark 12:1-27 


The word "Good" connotes something of positive nature. Every one desires something good. People need good things such as good houses, good jobs, good children, good business connections; the list is endless. On the other hand, we as human beings hardly do good deeds to people, except where we will gain from such acts.

The story of the Good Samaritan is one that concerns a man doing good deed to a fellow man, even when other persons refused to do the good. Notice that the two person who had passed by the battered man, after he was attacked by armed robbers on the road, were persons of high religious status in the society. One was a priest while the other person was a Levite. Both of them refused to do good deed, even when there was an opportunity to do so, and somebody's life was involved. It took a Samaritan to rescue the man, pay for health services and lodging for him, and finish up all the good works to make
the man get on his feet again.

Doing good works to other people also returns the good to us. When you do good works to others
you are actually fulfilled and it gives you inner joy. There are several people  whom we need to do good deeds to. They include persons in our homes, in the church, in our business places, IDP Camps, prisons, Hospitals and orphanages, etc. Such good acts will include financial assistance, words of advice, prayers, and other positive acts. Keep doing good to every one you  can. Keep up the good acts. When you are good to people, God will be happy to you because you are exemplifying Christ. This is a call to awaken us to the humanitarian mandate of the church. Indeed, the Church needs to examplify Christ by doing more good than it is already doing today.

Kindness to one is kindness to all.


Lord, i pray for the grace to do good to people. Amen.


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