Idle time is the time you have for relaxing. Put in others, its the time you have after you have finished your main work that gives you source of living.

Idle time is an important time in life. But unfortunately, some people misuse it for trivial things. Example, someone will spend a full day watching television video. Hmmmm! Some will go to a friend and stay there a full day.

Ordinarily, government set aside 8 hours in a working day to work while the other hours to rest. But some people will spend this 8 hours and still spend and their resting hours  to do things that do not yield any dividend.

The purpose of his post is to awaken your spirit that idle time is not designed to be wasted. Its designed to add value to your life. Idle time to increase your financial base.

The world we are today has taken the place of hard labour to earn finance. In fact there are jobs you no longer stress your self to work but you sit at home after your days work to do them, yet you make good money.

Permit me to introduce two legitimate jobs you can do with your idle time.
The first one is known as WOWAPP. Its an application where you register and become a member. All you need do is to chat, call, watch video, play games if you so wish, invite your family, friends and colleagues to join you. As you do this often, you earn in Dollars.

If you are interested in this Wowapp for FREE, kindly use this link.


The second one is known as Strong Future International SFI. Its an internationally known marketing company.  When you register with the company, you are afforded the opportunity to own a substantial share or the company and become one of the owners.

After registration, you click on the provided earning tool bar, read and earn. As your earning increases upto 1500 VP, you automatically becomes an Executive Affiliate of SFI. There, your earning starts.

If you wish to join this, you register with this link. Its FREE.

Conclusively, as the Bible recorded, he that does not work should not be  served. So, to avoid not having residual income to meet your financial obligations, give this post adequate attention.

Thanks for your time.

If you wish to further contact me, whatsApp or wowApp 08087464135.


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