"You...who teach another do you not teach yourself?  You who preach that man should not steal, do you steal? (Rom. 2 : 21, NKIV)

1 COR. 6:17-18; 7:1

Privileges and benefits from God attract some prices. For example, the law of a Nazarite requires that his outward signs include uncut hair, abstention from wine and other alcoholic products, as well as avoidance of contact with the dead. All these are illustrative of self-dedication to God.

God commands His people to "Come out", Be separate, Do not touch what is unclean, and I will receive you"(v.17). These commands suggest devotion to God for a special purpose. As a command from God, it cannot be disputed or questioned. The major part of this quotation is from lsa. 52:11; but there are also echoes of it in Ezek. 20:34, 41. Paul applied this to the Corinthian situation in which unbelievers practiced idolatry. Separation is not just a negative act of departure; it is also a positive act of dedication to God-separation from sin and separated for God's use.

In the Old Testament, a Jew was defiled if he touched a dead body or contact with festering sore. Although Christians today do not contract spiritual defilement by touch, but the principle is the same: we must disassociate from anything that will compromise our testimony.

As Believers we are to come out from among unbelievers and be separate. However, this does not suggest that we are to isolate ourselves from unbelievers or abandon our communities, and work places. Rather, the genuine believer must live a life that will please God; and he is to avoid anything that will bring shame to the message of Christ (1 John 2:15-16). The results of separation are phenomenal and numerous. God says "I will be a Father to you, and you shall be My sons and daughters, says the LORD Almighty"(v.18). god has a right to demand loyal allegiance from his children.

As we separate ourselves and consecrate our lives to God, God will receive us as His own God will be a Father to us and adopt us as sons and daughters. When we separate ourselves, God Himself will reward us by drawing us near to Himself. He will protect, bless, and give us fatherly care and overall protection from the wiles of the enemy.

God's commands are indisputable.

May the grace of God be sufficient for me today to remain separate unto Him. Amen.


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