".....He that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved" (Matthew 24:13).

Matthew 24:4-12

Eschatology, the study of the end times, is one of the fields of study that seems fraught with so many suspicions, assumptions and even 'confusions.' Over the years, many false allusions have been made by so many teachers of eschatology. And we hardly see them come out openly to confess that those things they thought and taught were false and not the truth.

It is good to "sound the trumpet" of the rapture. But it is far much better to live the life. It is much better to live rapture ready than just trying to know and interpret the signs of the times. If it will only take one's knowledge of the end times to 'stir' in one the consciousness of rapture, such person may be operating with an escapade clause. And there is no divine provision for such clause, as far as the rapture or going to heaven or hell is concerned.

The truth remains, whether we know about the signs of the end times or not, whether we preoccupy our minds with thoughts of the rapture or not, the rapture is a reality. It must certainly take place and it is he that kept his faith to the end that will make it (Matt. 24:13).

The wise take time to make preparations for the "rainy day." They know that, whether it is around the corner or not, the rainy day is bound to come. Thus, it will be sheer stupidity for one to be caught unawares. The same way, signs or no signs, a christian ought to live as a Christian - live ready for God any day any time. The thought of the rapture should not be the motivation to live the Christian life as we should. Rather, our love for christ should make us live the Christian life.

Like every other book of the Bible, we should study the book of Revelation and other eschatological books of the Bible. This should be basically to gain understanding of the Word of God for self-edification first- that we *"Might be filled with the knowledge of His will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding, and be equipped to walk worthy of the Lord"* (Col.1:9-11). Then to share the truth of the Word with others will also be our vocation. We should be rapture conscious and rapture ready.

Be rapture conscious.

Lord, help me to be rapture conscious, always. Amen.


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