_"Do not say, 'Why is it that the former days were better than these?' For it is not from wisdom that you ask about this" (Eccl. 7:10)_ 

 ```Luke 9:62 Ecclesiastics 7:10 Numbers 11``` 

You should not look back at is the good old days; you should not see them as better than your present. The past, no matter how glorious, is past and gone forever. Let the past remain in the past. This was one principle the children of Israel could not keep. After they left Egypt, the children of Israel always made recourse to their past especially when they faced any difficult challenge such as hunger, thirst or invasion by their enemies. 

God detests the attitude of seeing the past as better than the present. Our memory verse above cautions "Do not say, 'Why is it that the former days were better than these (the present)? 'For it is not from wisdom that you ask about this." In other words, a person who looks back at his past and sees it better than his present is not wise. Seeing one's past as better than the present can lead one into sin such as nagging, murmuring, grumbling, desperation, and even careless talks against God and man.

Just because of temporal lack of water and meat on their way to Canaan, the children of Israel saw and described their days of slavery and suffering in Egypt as better and well off. Rather than approach God in prayer, they chose to murmur, grumble and complain. God, of course, gave them meat and water but at the cost of their dear lives. Do not be like the children of Israel.

Just because of temporal lack of water and meat on their way to Canaan, the children of Israel saw and described their days of slavery and suffering in Egypt as better and well off.

Lord, help me not to see my past as better than my present and future. Amen!


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