"And he had two wives, the name of the one was Hannah, and the name of the other Peninnah had children, but Hannah had no children"

1 Samuel 1:20-28

You may have watched the viral video of a dog and an elephant that got pregnant on the same date. Three months later, the dog delivered a dozen puppies. Six months later the dog got pregnant again and delivered another dozen puppies. The cycle continued. On the 18th month, the dog said to the elephant: "Look pal, are you sure you are pregnant? We became pregnant at the same time and look, have delivered a dozen puppies three times and they have become big dogs. But look at you; you are still carrying your own pregnancy! That's why I am wondering whether you are actually
pregnant" The elephant replied, "Look, dog, what I am carrying is not puppies; it is elephant. When I deliver what I am carrying, the earth will shake because of the sound of his arrival. When he is crossing the road, human beings stop to stare at himin admiration. He is a wonder to behold. I give birth only once in two years."

Great things are not cheap. Great dreams don't come true in a hurry. If you are dreaming the impossible, be prepared for the improbable. Time is never a serious consideration in this case. Hannah was there when her co-wife, Peninnah gave birth to sons and daughters. As Peninnah added children, her portion of their husband, Elkanah's provisions increased but Hannah's remained a handsome portion. When Peninnah finished bearing her children, God opened Hannah's womb and she gave birth to the father of prophets of the post-exodus era in Israel. His triple anointing as prophet, priest and king swallowed up whatever had happened in the life of Peninnah to the extent that none of her sons and daughters merited their names to be
mentioned at all in the Bible or, do you know their names?

So, if you are pregnant with greatness, be patient. Don't worry when other's prayers are answered many times over and your own is still hanging in the air. God gave birth to two sons on earth 6000 years apart,
their names are Adam and Jesus!

Greatness is not cheap, it takes time to arrive.

Father Lord, grant me patience and perseverance to work out and deliver my great dreams no matter how long it takes in Jesus' name.


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