1. RUN  away from ‘Churches’ and ‘Ministries’ where you’re comfortable in your sins without any sense of shame or guilt.

2. RUN away from ‘Churches’ with empty endless prophesying that have you occupied with “I RECEIVE” shouts and screams that now have your eyes fixed on earth rather than on Christ, the author and finisher of your faith. 

3. RUN away from the ‘gospel’ that only focuses on Self-improvement and how to live ‘your best life now’.

4. RUN AWAY FROM  those who use the name of Christ for personal gain, picking your pockets ‘in the name of Jesus’.

5. RUN away from teachings and preachings that only focuses on Health, Wealth, and Prosperity. 

6. RUN away from ‘Churches’ and ‘Ministries’ where men, and not Christ, are being glorified.

7. RUN away from ‘churches’ and ‘Ministries’ where there’s no call for Repentance, Holiness, and Total Separation from the World. 

8. RUN away from ‘Sermons’ and ‘Teachings’ that excites your flesh and sterve your spirit. 

9. RUN  away from those who preach division between Races and Culture.

“Come out from among them and be Separate, says the Lord”!

                   (2 Corinthians 6:17)


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