STOP TAKING YOUR MONEY TO Banks by Moses Oludele Idowu


I bring you greetings in the Most Exalted Name of Our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. If you fear God and love the Lord and you honour the Bible as the Word of God then take seriously the contents of this letter because you will give account of them someday.

     1. A Wrong- headed Policy

Towards the tail end of last year 2022 the CBN embarked on a poorly- conceived, wrongly- timed, thoroughly- unplanned and badly- executed redesign of Nigerian currency. Citizens were made to surrender all their old money without replacement for the new currency which was not available. One of the aims or objectives of the redesign so loudly touted by government was the need to stop inducement of voters with money and to tame terrorists for security reasons.
  This policy was in total contravention of extant Rules even of CBN because it fails to take other stakeholders into confidence of the proposed policy.
  In the history of currency redesign or change in Nigeria this is the only time when people brought their old notes without a replacement of the new. Such a thing has never been witnessed.

 2.   Untold Sufferings 

 As you are all aware by now this policy has induced untold sufferings, wanton squalor and collective immiseration among the masses of Nigerian people in virtually every part of Nigeria. It has nearly destroyed the weak economy, especially the informal sector, the SMEs who need daily cash to operate their businesses. This has further introduced untold hardships to the citizenry.
The much - touted gains and purpose of the redesign was defeated abinitio and the policy became dead on arrival as videos of terrorists in the forests displaying millions of new currency notes which Nigerians themselves do not have and which citizens daily besiege the banks just for few notes that are being rationed to law- abiding citizens. How did terrorists in the forests get the new notes that the rest of us engaged in legitimate business do not have?
  On a daily basis now you see crowds of Nigerians milling around banks with their gates locked against them just to have a ration of new notes out of their legitimate money. Seeing crowds of Nigerians standing behind locked gates bring vivid memories of scenes from movies of the Depression of the 1930's in America and Germany. But this is no movie, it is real and this is Nigeria of 2023.
Many have had to abandon their business to queue for a whole day just to get some cash which the banks themselves claim they do not have. If the new notes were not available why withdraw the old notes from people?
  Is it just to take people's money and sit on it? Is it Godly to deny and deprive law- abiding citizens the legitimate access to their duly- earned resources?

  3.   Who Does Emefiele Work For? 

 On January 24, 2023 I wrote a piece, WHO DOES EMEFIELE WORK FOR? It is on the internet and you can Google the piece. It is clear that there is an agenda beyond what the CBN is telling us about the currency redesign. There is also the drive to cashless economy and the more sinister agenda of Central Bank Digital Currency on which I spoke at length in the above piece. I must warn you that you are being lured gradually and steadily to a Beast system and a New World Order agenda and you must begin to resist - frontally, powerfully and forcefully. 

4. The Issue of Legality

In January 2022 some state governors approached the Supreme Court to challenge the redesign and the unilateral action of Federal Government banning the old currency from circulation as a legal tender. After several deliberations and adjournment the Supreme Court finally delivered an historic judgement on Friday 3rd of March 2023 making the banning of old currency illegal and unconstitutional. A 7- member panel of Justices presided over by Justice Inyang Okoro ruled as unconstitutional Buhari's directive to CBN for the redesigning and withdrawal of old notes of N200, N500 and N1000 without consultations with the States, Federal Executive Council, National Council of State and other stakeholders.
Moreover the Supreme Court further ruled that: 

   "that no reasonable notice was given by the CBN under section 20 of the CBN Act. The directive is invalid...

- "The position of the president as Agent of the federation imposed a duty of consultation on him. Not to do so makes him a dictator.

*- "In other countries, decisions to change currencies follow due process and in accordance with democratic dictates, not after a side talk with their Central Bank chiefs .

 - "... not aware of any law which empowers a bank to withhold a customer’s money and refuse to give him/her. The directive on withdrawal limit is an infringement of people’s rights.
 - "Our rule of law becomes illusory if a President refuses to obey the court
In short the whole policy is untenable, unconstitutional and illegal. The Supreme Court held that the old currency becomes legal tender till December 31, 2023.

It is almost a week since the Supreme Court gave this ruling and neither the President, Muhammadu Buhari nor the CBN governor has given assent, affirmation to the ruling of the highest court in the land or to humble themselves to obey it as a Republic under law.
  Just like before he has foot dragged, delayed and ignored the pronouncement of Law.
This has further created untold sufferings, confusion in the system as traders and commercial operators continue to refuse the old notes and even banks refuse to act because they have not been officially directed by a public pronouncement from either the President or the CBN governor.
  The nation is now in a flux economically. There is no new currency to transact business because they are not available and the old notes are not usable because they are not acceptable for business by the people. This has gone on now for weeks without respite and no one cares.
   Our President does not understand economics and the economic implications of delay and policy decisions. We are trapped under a President who is sincerely ignorant about how economics works, a man who is a functional economic illiterate; and a Central Bank chief who is misleading and mis-advising him; a man whose loyalty now appears shared between us and the One World Beast cashless system.

5. The Supremacy of Law

I want to bring to your attention one important fact because it is crucial for the next thing I want to say and the whole essence of this intervention.
  Nigeria is a Constitutional Republic; it is neither a monarchy nor an empire. Muhammadu Buhari is neither a king not an emperor; as a President he is under the authority of Rule of Law. In a Republic a person is not supreme only the Law is supreme.
  He is a president only because of the Law and because the Law says so. He is a president today because the Supreme Court proclaimed his victory because he never really won a free and fair election in 2019; it was the same Supreme Court that affirmed his victory - the same Authority that he now rejects and ignores. He does not yet know and understand that he cannot hold unto office on the basis of Law and reject the Rule of the same Law.
  It is treason for any official of government to act contrary to Law. The state operates and stand on the principles of Law and Order and I hope Godwin Emefiele knows this. It is an enemy action to knowingly destroy the economy and economic foundation and survival of an entire nation through deliberate wrong-headed policy and enemy actions against a nation constitute Treason. Someone is playing with treason.
6. Avoid Tragedy, Stay Away from Lawlessness

This is why I now write you and this is the burden of my letter.
  We have been called to obey Law and Order in as much as they obey the Law of God. We are called to obey magistrates, legal authorities and all approved authorities. The highest authority in a Republic is the Constitution and only the Supreme Court can give the interpretation of the Constitution. Whoever disobeys the authority of the Supreme Court disobeys the authority of God and he is on his own. That person is walking in lawlessness no matter how highly placed and we have been called to law not to lawlessness.
   The spirit of the Beast, the Child of Lawlessness is now at work in the Earth preparing the way for the emergence of the Man of sin, the Son of Lawlessness. It is not your place as a Church of Jesus Christ to be part of this and to partake of this spirit.
  This is why I now warn you to be careful and to tread softly and steer apart from those who walk contrary to Law as the Scripture enjoins us, if indeed you are a true Church of Jesus Christ.

I now warn you that the CBN and its Governor are acting contrary to Law. By this letter I now warn you that as long as the CBN continues on this course of illegality you must avoid Nigerian banks or taking your money into Nigerian banks. To be involved and do business with these banks is to be part of the same spirit of lawlessness. Remember that spirits are infectious and if you are part of this spirit you will suffer the same consequences when they come. As long as the CBN and the banks continue in disobedience to the Supreme Court directives and orders you must sever your relationship and stop taking your cash to these banks. Else you will be part of their sins and you will share in their fate when the hour of judgment comes. I do not encourage you to be involved with children of lawlessness.

Judge among yourselves is it right that you continue to support a body that has fragrantly disobeyed the Law of the land? Is it proper that you continue to empower the structures of injustice and citadels of iniquity and unrighteousness that have subjected Nigerians to harrowing experience in the last few weeks?
  Is it that there is no wise man in your midst? No thinker with a spirit of discernment among you?

Joseph Ayo Babalola would not take his money to banks; he would have nothing to do with them. He could see the spirit behind these institutions even as far back then and in his own day and time. He was ahead of his time and even of our time. Today we are being lured into a Beast system, a cashless economy and without any protest because God has not given many of you eyes to see and ears to hear.

7. What Then Is To Be Done?

Simple. Many of your members cannot access their cash again in the banks because the banks won't give them. So rather than take your offerings and tithes and gifts to the same banks that will sit upon them give them to your members who need the cash and they will transfer the equivalent amount to your church account.
   It is so simple.
Keep all your cash after every service and properly document them in records. Members who need the cash would come to take the amount they require for their business and transfer the equivalent value to the Church account. 
 Alternatively, you can hand the cash to members who run POS services to give to members who need cash at very discounted and minimal rates. But please and please don't take the money of God's people to banks again in as much as the CBN is acting in disobedience to the Supreme Court directives.
  Nigerians are now using money to buy money. The other day I was charged N600 for N3000 when I was desperately in need of money. This is what Nigerians are going through in Buhari's Nigeria. This is what your banks are subjecting Nigerians to and to think that the Church of Jesus Christ is complicit and in cahoot with this instrument of collective dispossession makes me wonder whether the Bible means anything to this generation.
  It is a.shame for your members to go through this hell and queue in banks for money while you take the same cash to banks. Sometimes I wonder whether the Nigerian Church knows what it is doing, whether this Church even understand what is ailing her and what is set against her. The problem of a society is not usually the criminal elements; more often than not it is the honest one who doesn't know what he is doing.

If any church is not clear about this you may contact me and I will give you clear directions about how to operate this scheme.
  It is allowed. 
There is no law that says you must take your money to banks especially when they have violated the contractual agreement between them and their clients.

8. Conclusion

In closing I want to warn you that you do not take this very lightly. The Church in this nation has a lot of power but for the most part this power has been used against you. And this is why Nigeria is not changing for the better. 
  This is why the culture of impunity and immunity is endemic in our national life. That is why someone can ignore the Order of a Supreme Court because he knows nothing will happen.
   It is now time for the Church to begin to lead the revolution for righteousness and supremacy of the Law and Order in the Land.
  Here is a test for the Nigerian Church.
  Be sure you will give account of it. If the Spirit has moved me to write this then be sure He will one day ask you what you do with this letter.

I am your compatriot and companion in armour,

 Facebook: Moses Oludele Idowu
WhatsApp: 08034697670

Moses Oludele Idowu
  *Apostolic Christianity Network* 


1. Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria,

2. Christian Association of Nigeria.

3. Christian Council of Nigeria.

4. Christian Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria ( for all Apostolic Churches)

5. Christian Journalists

6. Association of Nigerian Christian Lawyers


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