How does God’s guarantee of success to Joshua relate to us?

Today Bible Study:

How does God’s guarantee of success to Joshua relate to us?

The Book of Joshua begins with God’s commissioning of Israel’s new leader. God described Joshua’s mission—to go in and possess the Land (1:2–6). God hinged Joshua’s success on three key factors: 1) God’s own presence (v. 5); 2) Joshua’s personal strength and courage (vv. 7, 9); and 3) Joshua’s attention to and application of God’s word (vv. 7, 8).

God spelled out this third factor with some detail for it was to be the basis for all of Joshua’s actions. God’s word was to be Joshua’s constant conversation, continual meditation, and unswerving application. The phrase “This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth” (v. 8) deserves added attention. While a first impression might lead to the conclusion that Joshua was not supposed to talk about the Book of the Law, the direct opposite is the case: he was not supposed to stop talking about it.

Biblical meditation begins with the thoughtful, lingering reading of God’s Word. It progresses to familiarity and memorization. In order to “meditate in it day and night” (v. 8), the Book of the Law would have been in Joshua. The purpose has been achieved when meditation leads us to “observe to do according to all that is written in it” (v. 8).

“Then,” God told Joshua, “you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success” (v. 8). Joshua found the ultimate measure of prosperity and success—knowing how God wants His people to live and then living that way. God repeatedly assured Joshua of His own presence “wherever you go.” What greater measurement of success could there be than to honor the ever-present God with our obedience?



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