How does Ruth exemplify the Proverbs 31 wife?

 Today Bible Study:

How does Ruth exemplify the Proverbs 31 wife?

The “virtuous” wife of Proverbs 31:10 is personified by “virtuous” Ruth of whom the same Hebrew word is used (Ruth 3:11). With amazing parallel, they share at least 8 character traits (see below). One wonders (in concert with Jewish tradition) if King Lemuel’s mother might not have been Bathsheba, who orally passed the family heritage of Ruth’s spotless reputation along to David’s son Solomon. Lemuel, which means “devoted to God,” could have been a family name for Solomon (see Jedidiah, 2 Sam. 12:25), who then could have penned Proverbs 31:10–31 with Ruth in mind:

1. Devoted to her family (Ruth 1:15–18 // Prov. 31:10–12, 23).
2. Delighted in her work (Ruth 2:2 // Prov. 31:13).
3. Diligent in her labor (Ruth 2:7, 17, 23 // Prov. 31:14–18, 19–21, 24, 27).
4. Dedicated to godly speech (Ruth 2:10, 13 // Prov. 13:26).
5. Dependent on God (Ruth 2:12 // Prov. 31:25b, 30).
6. Dressed with care (Ruth 3:3 // Prov. 31:22, 25a).
7. Discreet with men (Ruth 3:6–13 // Prov. 31:11, 12, 23).
8. Delivered blessings (Ruth 4:14, 15 // Prov. 31:28, 29, 31).



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