What prepared Joshua for leading the nation of Israel?

Today Bible Study:

What prepared Joshua for leading the nation of Israel?

1. Exodus 17:9, 10, 13, 14—Joshua led the victorious battle against the Amalekites.

2. Exodus 24:13—Joshua, the servant of Moses, accompanied the Jewish leader to the mountain of God (see 32:17).

3. Numbers 11:28—Joshua was the attendant of Moses from his youth.

4. Numbers 13:16—Moses changed his name from Hosea (“salvation”) to Joshua (“the Lord saves”).

5. Numbers 14:6–10, 30, 38—Joshua, along with Caleb, spied out the land of Canaan with 10 others. Only Joshua and Caleb urged the nation to possess the land and, thus, only they of the 12 actually entered Canaan.

6. Numbers 27:18—Joshua was indwelt by the Holy Spirit.

7. Numbers 27:18–23—Joshua was commissioned for spiritual service the first time, to assist Moses.

8. Numbers 32:12—Joshua followed the Lord fully.

9. Deuteronomy 31:23—Joshua was commissioned a second time, to replace Moses.

10. Deuteronomy 34:9—Joshua was filled with the spirit of wisdom.



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