In Ecclesiates, what reflections does Solomon give on Genesis?

Today Bible Study:

In Ecclesiates, what reflections does Solomon give on Genesis?

Toward the end of his life, the penitent King Solomon pondered life in the wake of the Fall and the outworking of man’s sin. Solomon drew the following conclusions, possibly from his own study of Genesis:

1. God created the heavens and earth with laws of design and regularity (Eccl. 1:2–7; 3:1–8; Gen. 1:1–31; 8:22).

2. Man is created from dust and returns to dust (Eccl. 3:20; 12:7; Gen. 2:7; 3:19).

3. God placed in man His life-giving breath (Eccl. 12:7; Gen. 2:7).

4. As God ordained it, marriage is one of life’s most enjoyable blessings (Eccl. 9:9; Gen. 2:18–25).

5. Divine judgment results from the Fall (Eccl. 3:14–22; 11:9; 12:14; Gen. 2:17; 3:1–19).

6. The effect of the curse on creation is “vanity,” i.e., futility (Eccl. 1:5–8; Gen. 3:17–19).

7. Labor after the Fall is difficult and yields little profit (Eccl. 1:3, 13; 2:3; 3:9–11; Gen. 3:17–19).

8. Death overcomes all creatures after the Fall (Eccl. 8:8; 9:4, 5; Gen. 2:17; 3:19).

9. After the Fall, man’s heart is desperately wicked (Eccl. 7:20, 29; 8:11; 9:3; Gen. 3:22; 6:5; 8:21).

10. God withholds certain knowledge and wisdom from man for His wise, but unspoken, reasons (Eccl. 6:12; 8:17; Gen. 3:22



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