What does it mean to be “carnal”?

Today Bible Study:

What does it mean to be “carnal”? 

The cause of problems in the Corinthian church was more than external, worldly influence. It was also internal carnality (1 Cor. 3:1). The pressures of the world were combined with the weakness of the flesh. Although Corinthian believers were no longer “natural,” they were not “spiritual” (fully controlled by the Holy Spirit). In fact, they were “carnal” (controlled by the fallen flesh). Though all believers have the Holy Spirit (Rom. 8:9), they still battle the fallen flesh (Rom. 7:14–25; 8:23).

Paul calls them “babes in Christ.” The carnality of those believers was indicative of their immaturity. They had no excuse for not being mature, since Paul implied that he should have been able to write to them as mature, in light of all he had taught them (v. 2). He could only feed them with “milk” (v. 2). Not a reference to certain doctrines, but to the more easily digestible truths of doctrine that were given to new believers. “Solid food” is the deeper features of the doctrines of Scripture. The difference is not in the kind of truth, but degree of depth. Spiritual immaturity makes one unable to receive the richest truths.

Carnality produces the attitude of envy, a severe form of selfishness, which produces the action of strife and the subsequent divisions (v. 3). They end up acting as “mere men.” Apart from the will of Spirit, hence carnal, not spiritual. Factionalism was the divisive product of carnality, aligning themselves with “Paul…Apollos” (v. 4). Paul reminds them that all the human instruments God uses to produce salvation life are equally considered and rewarded for their willingness to be used by God. But all the glory goes to Him, who alone saves. Because of that, the silly favoritism is condemned (vv. 5–8).



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