What happened to Jesus after His death?

Today's Bible Study:

What happened to Jesus after His death?

Joseph of Arimathea, a prominent member of the “council” (or the Sanhedrin), who had opposed Jesus’ condemnation (Luke 23:51), took courage and came forward (Mark 15:43). Pilate would not likely have been pleased to see a member of the Sanhedrin, after that group had forced him to crucify an innocent man. Further, Joseph’s public identification with Jesus would enrage the other members of the Sanhedrin. Nevertheless, he “asked for the body of Jesus.”

“Pilate marveled” that Jesus was already dead (v. 44). Victims of crucifixion often lingered for days, hence Pilate’s surprise that Jesus was dead after only 6 hours. Before granting Jesus’ body to Joseph, Pilate checked with the “centurion” in charge of the crucifixion to verify that Jesus was really dead. Having received confirmation from the centurion that Jesus was dead, Pilate granted Jesus’ body to Joseph (v. 45). By that act, the Romans officially pronounced Jesus dead.

Then Jesus’ body was wrapped in the linen (v. 46). The Jews did not embalm corpses, but wrapped them in perfumed burial cloths. Nicodemus, another prominent member of the Sanhedrin (see John 7:50), assisted Joseph in caring for the body of Jesus (John 19:39, 40). These men, who had kept their allegiance to Jesus secret during His lifetime, then came forward publicly to bury Him, while the disciples, who had openly followed Jesus, hid (John 20:19). Then they laid Jesus in a “tomb…hewn out of the rock.” This “tomb” was located near Golgotha (John 19:42). Matthew adds that it was Joseph’s own tomb (Matt. 27:60), while Luke and John note that no one as yet had been buried in it (Luke 23:53; John 19:41).



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