Daily Devotion March 26

March 26: Hebrews 10:4-10

KJV Key Verse: Hebrews 10:4
4 For it is not possible that the blood of bulls and of goats should take away sins.

In the Old testament the people of Israel would have to continually offer burnt offerings in order for their sins to be covered. Why could they not offer a single sacrifice that would wipe the slate clean? Well, that was not the design God laid out at that time. He wanted the people to remember what they were doing wrong so they would be less inclined to go back and do those same sins over and over again. The problem being that the people would get into a happy place because their sins were covered and they would then come forward to speak with God less often.

No amount of bulls and goats would ever be able to take away the sins of mankind but they would make man think about what he was doing and hopefully try to put those things behind him. What Christ came to do was something totally different. The people of Israel were getting into a happy place where they would do the sacrifices because they had to be done and not think too deeply about the real reason for the sacrifice. By Christ laying down His own life as the perfect sacrifice mankind would have to think very hard about what had happened.

We now get into the modern world where people have all but forgotten what Christ has actually done for us and have moved away from thinking about what they are doing wrong. God does not desire for us to continually kill animals just so we can be let off the hook – He wants us to repent of our sins properly.

Jesus came to earth to do what God had intended to be done; a sacrifice that would cover all sins of all men once and for all. This was not going to be a repeat performance to make sure men would remember what had been done for them or for men to remember what they had done wrong but something to release men from their burdens. Christ did not come to blame people or to burden them anymore. He came to release us and to lift us up to His Father!

Points to Ponder:
What do you do with your sins?

Will you trust Christ to take them away?


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