Reading your Bible for today June 6

June 6: Proverbs 14:7

KJV Key Verse: Proverbs 14:7
7 Go from the presence of a foolish man, when thou perceivest not in him the lips of knowledge.

How many times have you started out in a friendship and found out something you did not like and then continued in that friendship thinking it would be ok after all? Or maybe you went out looking for something to buy, found an item which was almost right and bought it anyway... And how many times have you regretted making that decision in the first place?

Many times in our lives we are confronted by people who or things which we “want” to be right, so we make them right by covering up the part we do not like. Many times we even bury the faults without thinking; just because we like the rest of what we see! Many times we will not see anything wrong until after it has all collapsed round our ankles and we have to go back and look at the list of events.

God has given us a wonderful mind which can discern right from wrong. He has given us a wonderful book which holds all the truths we will ever need to know about. He has given us all the direction and intelligence we need to make sure we can get things right. Then we come along and break things by ignoring a few of the rules, or by covering up a few, or even doing things without knowing we are doing it wrong because we haven’t read the rules.

If we want to be able to find out what we should avoid in life, we need to start looking at what is wrong. When we see anything which is wrong, we need to avoid bringing it into our lives unless we have a desire to right that wrong. If we do not mind the danger, we will most certainly end up right in the middle of that danger! And when we are surrounded by all things wrong, we will have a hard time finding out what is right because of all the calamity of those wrong things! If we want to be able to follow God's Word, then we have to make sure we do not try to follow people who have a very limited knowledge of the Truth. A little truth is just as dangerous as a whopping great lie! We are not going to be able to help others to see the light if we are carrying round lights that do not work!

Points to Ponder:
Do you make friends with people who you can see are not good?

Would you follow Christ if He did not tell the truth?


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