Daily Devotion March 2

March 2: Mark 8:31-33

KJV Key Verse: Mark 8:31
And he began to teach them, that the Son of man must suffer many things, and be rejected of the elders, and of the chief priests, and scribes, and be killed, and after three days rise again.

Sometimes the road of God’s calling is not going to be smooth and straight, in fact it is less likely to be smooth and straight! Take a look over the lives of people who have been called of God and see just how warped some of their lives have been… Why? Well each of us live a very different life and we have to put up with what goes on in our lives, not because God puts those difficult times in our lives but because they happen and God manages them! Let’s face it, if we are standing next to a person who is caught in a hurricane, then we are going to get caught in it too! But we may be the lucky ones that God allows to survive the hurricane because He is not finished with us yet.

Ours is not to question why bad things happen in our lives but to watch and see how much God does in our lives. When we recognise just how much He does and how much He cares for us, the big things become quite small in comparison. Yes they may well hurt like anything at the time, but they do become smaller as our faith grows.

Jesus did not have an easy life just because He is the Son of God! His life is a life that we simply would not have been able to bare! His life started out in extraordinary circumstances, He grew up on the run, lived a very short life in ministry compared to some… and yet He obeyed God the Father every step of the way.

There is our example. Not just saying we believe God is in charge, but knowing it and trusting Him because we know it. I know it is hard living for God and dedicating your life to serve Him. I know because I fail in so many things that are asked of me. But still I try a little bit more each time and trust a whole lot more each time. Allow your faith to grow by accepting the things that God allows into your life – they are there for a reason as long as we listen…

Points to Ponder:
Do you get tired?

Do you ask God for strength?


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