Reading your Bible for today December 14

December 14: John 14:19-26

KJV Key Verse: John 14:26
26 But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance , whatsoever I have said unto you.

The Holy Spirit is with us all the time. As a comforter, He continues to allow us to understand situations we would otherwise find difficult to bear. He gives us inner peace when we would otherwise fall apart. He holds us tight when we think we are flying apart.

The disciples still did not quite understand what was going to happen but Jesus was telling them all things so they would remember what happened when the time was right. He continued to minister to the disciples all the time, caring for them as only a Father could. He is able to go one step further than any earthly father today can. I'm sure any fathers wish today would be able to leave someone behind who would be able to look after and care for their children when he does die. Jesus has given that gift to all who believe!

He made sure the disciples knew that when the Holy Spirit comes to all who believe, He makes us His home. He does not come for a visit but stays with us all the time. So everything we do after that point is with Him. Every step we take can be guided by Him. Every action we take can be guided by Him. Yet He does not force us to do anything. If we so wish, we can continue to do wrong, say wrong, be wrong, but His love for us dictates that He will never leave us. Do every time we do do wrong, He is grieved as He is there with us!

The disciples were the ones who heard these things straight from Jesus' mouth. They were the ones who were given the words. They were the ones who would have to write them down so we can have them as an eternal Word. The Holy Spirit was given to the disciples so they could remember what Christ had said to each of them. They were given the wisdom to be able to recall His words and write them down. As believers we also have the Holy Spirit. We also have Him as a helping hand to remember His Word so we can pass it on to others. Don't be stuck for words, just trust in Him.

Points to Ponder:
Are our school teaches with us every second of every day?

Will you trust the Holy Spirit always?


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