Reading your Bible for today December 7

December 7: 1 Corinthians 8:7-13

KJV Key Verse: 1 Corinthians 8:10
10 For if any man see thee which hast knowledge sit at meat in the idol's temple, shall not the conscience of him which is weak be emboldened to eat those things which are offered to idols;

I'm sure you have probably been told or heard someone say “be strong in the Lord”. But have you ever stopped to think why they have said that, or what the consequences may be if you are not? We may believe in God, we may believe He is the one true and only God and if we do then we know the idols others lift up are all false and can be discounted as nothing. But take a thought for those around you that do not know. Take a though for those that may be very close to you who do not believe. They may have doubts as to whether these idols are real or not.

We are taught (Romans 14:13) we should not place anything in another's path which might cause them to stumble and fall from the path of righteousness. Yet how many times do we do that every day? How many times do we give in to something because of peer pressure or because it “looks cool”? How many times do we bend the rules just to satisfy ourselves or others?

Each time we do this, we are showing others we are weak, that we are willing to bend the rules, that we are willing to turn our backs on God and that we don't really think He comes first! Sounds harsh? But that is exactly what we are doing. If we do not show others we are not willing to compromise when it comes to Christ, then we are showing them we are willing to compromise! If we are willing to compromise in one way, then we are suggesting to them we may be willing to compromise in everything!

If we then show others everything we do is not for Christ, are we suggesting to them their own beliefs may not be true? We are strengthening their doubts! We are placing huge stumbling blocks in their path!

Points to Ponder:
How many things do you do that friends and family don’t like?

What Would Jesus Do?


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