Reading your Bible for today February 21

February 21: Proverbs 12:24-28

Key Verse: Proverbs 12:25
Anxiety in the heart of man causes depression, But a good word makes it glad.

I don't know about you, but one of my failings in life is that I do put things off instead of doing them there and then. And, not surprisingly, I have missed out on a few things because of that! And if someone else is going to do something before you, then you may well find they are the ones that will get the blessing out of it.

How many times have you had a friendship break up or even just a disagreement with someone all because you forgot about something, put something off, or did not apologise? Maybe it was with someone you see each day and now there is a awkward silence between you. Maybe it was not you, but them and you are still waiting! Maybe you were given an opportunity to do something for someone and, because you put it off, they got the wrong impression about how you feel about them.

Maybe you don't have my problems and manage to get things done on time. Maybe you still have all your friends because you still write to them all even though you are on the other side of the world. Maybe you are on top of most things in life, but still think that there is something missing or wrong. Whichever way, that is just a lot of maybes and if you have anything that is still undone, then the only way you are going to be able to get over it is to either show the people it affects you are truly sorry, or to make amends now.

God is affected by everything we do. We don't just do things to people and other things, we do everything in front of God and to His creation! He is the one who has done everything first for us and He is the one who does “own the cattle on a thousand hills”. If we do anything against others, then we are doing it against part of Him. And if we don't do something for others, then we have already done it against Him.

Points to Ponder:
Do you “forget” things because it’s easier?

Are you ready to do something positive today for God?


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