Reading your Bible for today May 10

May 10: Romans 8:17-18

KJV Key Verse: Romans 8:18
18 For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.

I find learning about history fascinating (though I do like to choose the history that I learn and not have it forced upon me). To learn about the cultures and rules of ancient civilizations is always enlightening. From the very earliest days of human existence, much was laid upon the first born male. Not just because he would get the inheritance and title of land, but that he would be the one looked at to uphold the family name and much else.

When Paul was writing this letter to the Romans, he made sure they would understand what it is to receive God's inheritance by drawing a parallel between it and the first born. He specifically talks of us as being children of God, but extends it by showing that as each one of us is born again, we become an heir to His salvation. Whilst we do understand we will receive our due inheritance (eternal life) just because we have believed in Him, what we must also understand is we take on a bit more responsibility too. With that responsibility will come suffering.

Just as the first born would have to shoulder the responsibility of the family, we have to shoulder the responsibility of upholding God's Word. For what worth would we be if we were to say that we believed, but then showed everyone else we don’t act as if we believe.

When a prisoner is let out on parole, one of the rules is they have to show that they can act like a proper member of society. If they do not, then they will be taken back to prison. It is quite clear in their rules this will happen. We live by this philosophy in many areas of our lives. Why then should we change the rules just because we are Christians? If we are going to say we have been changed, then we should act accordingly. As we act accordingly, we will have to face up to the trials as a Christian and not to go back to our old ways just because we think it is a bit tough at the time!

Christ has showed us what suffering really is like. He does not expect we do the same, but He does expect we do not turn our backs on suffering just because we don't like it

Points to Ponder:
What sort of things do you not like doing in your life?

What sort of things do you not like doing for God?


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