Reading your Bible for today May 8

May 8: 2 Timothy 3:14-15

KJV Key Verse: 2 Timothy 3:14
14 But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of , knowing of whom thou hast learned them;

Have you ever gone back to basics and tried to think of who first told you about God? Who was the first person to invite or take you to Sunday School? Who was the person with you when you gave your life to Christ? Have you ever thanked them or even let them know how much further you have come?

It is amazing to be able to pass on Bible knowledge to young children. Most do not have any pre-conceived ideas of what being a Christian should be about. Being able to show them a little truth and have them realise the rest is an amazing sight. God has given us such a wonderful mind that we should be able to understand scripture at such an early age, even before we learn about things we may think are required everyday such as mathematics!

Trying to break down the barriers which adults have about Christians is another thing entirely – not helped by some people who would force their version of the gospel on anyone that comes near them. Learning about Christ is a very personal thing. It is a relationship between you and Him alone. Just as in a personal relationship with another person, you may not want everyone to know all about yourself, but you are willing to open up to that person. We must be able to be completely open with Christ at all times.

Being close to Him is something that will continue to help us to understand more about our relationship with Him. Learning more about Him makes us understand Him more so we are able to do more of what He likes us to do. If you try to do your own thing in a relationship, that relationship will not last too long. But if you work towards doing something which the other one in your relationship likes, the relationship will grow stronger for both of you. Learning to understand what Christ wants in your life and working towards doing that comes from understanding what it is He wants in your life. That comes from reading His Word and being where it is taught properly.

Points to Ponder:
How many times do you talk to your best friends a day?

How many times do you talk to God a day?


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