Reading your Bible for Today April 27

April 27: Psalm 34:8-9

KJV Key Verse: Psalm 34:9
9 O fear the LORD, ye his saints: for there is no want to them that fear him.

When we do get around to actually believing there is a God, that we are His creation, that we do do many things wrong against Him each day but that He is willing and able to forgive us of our sin; we are starting on our journey with Him. Just as there is a huge difference in knowing there is a God and actually believing in God, there is a huge gap between believing in God and doing His will with reverence and fear. God has promised to give everlasting life in heaven to each of us who do believe in Him. Just the simple fact we do believe in Him is able to secure our place in heaven.

But once we have reached the stage where we do believe, the journey has only started. Our relationship with God cannot really be called a relationship if we are going to start it but do nothing about it! What good would a doctor’s appointment be if you booked it but never showed up for it? What good would a life jacket be in a boat if it was stuck in a cupboard instead of being on you when out at sea? What good is an instruction manual if you never open it?

You see, people can have all the knowledge they need about God, but they don't necessarily believe in Him. When the times comes to face God, He will have to admit that He never really got to know them either... We can believe in Him and be assured that we are saved by His grace, but unless we are going to walk in His ways and do His will, nobody around us is going to know we are His! He will have to continue to put up with everything we do and say against Him... That is what put Christ on the cross!

Why should we continue to stick Christ up on the cross when we know we can turn our backs on this sin nature and live with Him. Fearing the Lord is all about respect! Respecting God, His Word, His Will and most importantly showing Him we do respect Him by following His will in our lives!

Points to Ponder:
Who do you respect in your life?

Do you show God daily respect?


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