Reading your Bible for today June 29

June 29: Psalm 50:16-23

KJV Key Verse: Psalm 50:23
23 Whoso offereth praise glorifieth me: and to him that ordereth his conversation aright will I shew the salvation of God.

All too often in life we find the very rules that we set or declare, we break. We like to tell others about the rules and yet we don't like to follow them ourselves. We like to show others we know the rules, but secretly we break them as well. Hypocrisy. A nasty word if ever there was one. But one thing we can count on is that every single thing we have done wrong has been recorded! Will you be able to face up to all the things that you have done wrong in your life?

Too often in life we take the good will and good nature of others for granted. We assume that because they are nice to us they will not hold anything against us. We assume a bit too much and not only take them for granted, but we find it all too easy to take them for a ride as well. We find it too easy to take advantage and use them for our own gain.

Too often in life we turn a blind eye towards others who are doing things wrong. We allow them to continue but in doing so we are doing the sin with them. We allow those close to us to get away with things they should not, just because they are close – we may as well be doing those same things wrong with them!

God's patience may well be beyond the scope of our thoughts, but His justice is swift and sure. We abuse God's patience because we can. We take advantage of His good nature. We don't uphold His laws. When we leave God out of our lives, He cannot give us the guidance and comfort we expect from Him. But as long as we are willing to offer our praises to Him and show others how we do live for Him, He will be more than willing to give us more than we expect. We need to make sure that He comes first in our lives so that He can act first in our lives!

Points to Ponder:
Do you say one thing and do another?

How close does God figure in your life?


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