Reading your Bible for Today June 7

June 7: 1 Corinthians 15:51-58

KJV Key Verse: 1 Corinthians 15:58
58 Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.

Before I realised what it was going to be like to die as a Christian, I would dread being placed in a sealed box forever. I could think of nothing worse than being in a box without light for eternity. But when I realised that to die on this earth does not mean we have to stay in darkness, I was more than willing to find out more about this Light and learned about Christ and what He had done for us.

Whilst it is true we will not all have to physically die before we meet Christ, we will all be changed so we can be with Him. We know God cannot abide sin. We know He cannot be with sin. We know our bodies are living in a world with sin and that we ourselves do sin, dirtying our bodies with that sin. So to make sure we will get to spend eternity with Christ, He will physically and spiritually change us so we can be with Him. He will put away our earthly bodies that can be corrupted and give us bodies which will not be. How He does that is beyond my comprehension – just like we do not know how He created us, nor how He is able to control the universe. But we can stand on that promise knowing it is true!

The bad part about living is that we have to die! The bad part about sin is that it will keep us apart from God. The most wonderful part is that Christ was willing to go to the cross for our sakes so we would not have to pay the horrible price for what we did. With this knowledge behind us we will never have to look back thinking we are ever going to be in darkness continually. No matter what we personally try to do in our lives, nothing we can do will be able to keep us from eternal darkness – But what Christ has already done for us will keep us in His eternal light... if only we accept He is our Lord and He has done exactly what is written in our bibles. Remain safe in the knowledge He has accomplished what we can never hope to!

Points to Ponder:
What do you fear about death?

We are safe in the knowledge that however we physically die, our soul will live on.


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