Reading your Bible for today July

July 25: Isaiah 28:14-16

KJV Key Verse: Isaiah 28:16
16 Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD, Behold, I lay in Zion for a foundation a stone, a tried stone, a precious corner stone, a sure foundation: he that believeth shall not make haste.

If we think we are the ones who have cornered the 'market' on scorners, then we have not read God's Word. All throughout history we can see evidence of men who have scorned the word of God, men who have twisted the truth to their own needs and deeds. We don't have to look too far to see how men, even those in Judah, had made packs with death in the belief that by hiding behind their lies, death would bring them freedom in some way.

God has made sure nobody will ever be able to hide behind lies because He has already sent His Son Jesus Christ, our Lord, to die for our sins. That means we have absolutely no excuse by which we can say we did not know He meant it for us and not just other sinners. He died for you. He died for me. Every one of us lives under that judgement. Every one of us needs to wake up and realise we cannot live behind our lies or anyone else’s lies – we have to wake up to the truth and face up to what Jesus did for us on the cross.

It is only by waking up to this truth and believing it that we will be able to be set free from the judgement. Once we know Jesus, we have no more rush to die, we have no more rush to do anything other than spread the gospel because we are sure we have eternal life as soon as we end this physical life. But the longer we can stay alive, the longer we have to allow more people to see the truth. The longer we can share the awesomeness of what Christ did for each of us. So, if anyone tells you they will get to heaven through dying because of their own deeds, be wary of what lies they are hiding behind...

Points to Ponder:
Do you like hiding behind lies in your family life?

Why do we then try to hide behind lies in our spiritual life?


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