Reading your Bible for today August 26

August 26: Matthew 9:1-8

KJV Key Verse: Matthew 9:8
8 But when the multitudes saw it, they marvelled, and glorified God, which had given such power unto men.

The faith of the man who was paralysed versus the religion of the scribes... Not much of a context when viewed in God’s eyes, but a huge difference when viewed in man’s eyes! The local law was maintained by the people appointed as scribe, people who were held as higher members of society; it was upheld and even controlled by them. Yes, they did have all of the same laws given to them by God through Moses and they were continuing to try and maintain them, but they were ignoring the truth about Jesus being the Messiah, maybe because they did not want to lose control. They were the ones who had the good positions in society because of what they had to do. They were the ones who should have been looking out for all off the prophecies coming true and proclaiming Christ as King...

We do like to keep control of our situations and of as much of the world around us as we can – or that is what we like to think we can do... These men who brought the paralytic were doing it because they believed Jesus would be able to heal the man. They did so by bowing to His superior position as their Messiah. That faith allowed the man to be forgiven of his sins. This single thing did not then allow the man to get up and run off; he was not paralysed because of his sins! We do not have natural things happen to us in our lives because of our sins – they happen because this is the world we live in, a world where things like this happen! This man was forgiven of his sins because Christ knew he believed in Him through coming to see Him face to face.

The scribes may not have done anything if Jesus has simply healed the man, but Jesus knew what they were after in their minds and forgave his sins first. That got them a bit upset thinking that someone was usurping their position. After that Jesus did what the man and his companions had wanted; he healed him and sent him on his way. When Christ answers prayers, they will be answered in a way where He will be glorified and without limit – simply because of His awesome love for us!

Points to Ponder:
What sort of things do you ask of your friends?

What sort of things do you bring to God?


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