Prophecy in Psalm and Fulfillment in New Testament
Today's Bible Stud:
Prophecy in Psalm and Fulfillment in New Testament
Are there other messianic prophecies in the Psalms other than Psalm 16:10?
1. God will announce Christ to be His Son Psalm2:7, Matthew 3:17; Acts 13:33; Hebrews 1:5
2. All things will be put under Christ’s feet Psalm8:6, 1Corinthians 15:27; Hebrews 2:8
3. Christ will be resurrected from the grave Psalm16:10, Mark 16:6,7; Acts 13:35
4. God will forsake Christ in His moment of agony Psalm22:1, Matthew 27:46;Mark 15:34
5. Christ will be scorned and ridiculed Psalm22:7,8, Matthew 27:39–43; Luke 23:35
6. Christ’s hands and feet will be pierced, Psalm22:16, John 20:25,27; Acts 2:23
7. Others will gamble for Christ’s clothes, Psalm22:18, Matthew 27:35,36
8. Not one of Christ’s bones will be broken, Psalm34:20, John 19:32,33,36
9. Christ will be hated unjustly, Psalm35:19, John 15:25
10. Christ will come to do God’s will, Psalm40:7,8, Hebrews 10:7
11. Christ will be betrayed by a friend, Psalm41:9, John 13:18
12. Christ’s throne will be eternal, Psalm45:6, Hebrews 1:8
13. Christ will ascend to heaven, Psalm68:18, Ephesians 4:8
14. Zeal for God’s temple will consume Christ, Psalm69:9, John 2:17
15. Christ will be given vinegar and gall, Psalm69:21, Matthew 27:34; John 19:28–30
16. Christ’s betrayer will be replaced, Psalm109:8, Acts 1:20
17. Christ’s enemies will bow down to Him, Psalm110:1, Acts 2:34,35
18. Christ will be a priest like Melchizedek, Psalm110:4Hebrews 5:6; 6:20; 7:17
19. Christ will be the chief Cornerstone, Psalm118:22, Matthew 21:42; Acts 4:11
20. Christ will come in the name of the Lord, Psalm118:26, Matthew 21:9
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