Are the Ten Commandments outmoded expectations or divine demands?
Today's Bible Study:
Are the Ten Commandments outmoded expectations or divine demands?
People make a serious error when they speak about “breaking the Ten Commandments.” History amply displays the fact that people persist in breaking themselves on the Ten Commandments. They represent God’s absolute and unchanging standard despite any arguments over their interpretation and application.
The title “Ten Commandments” comes from Moses (Ex. 34:28). The emphasis on God Himself speaking and writing these words makes unacceptable any theories of Israel’s borrowing legal patterns or concepts from surrounding nations.
The Ten Commandments may be grouped into two broad categories: the vertical—humanity’s relationship to God (Ex. 20:2–11); and the horizontal—humanity’s relationship to the community (Ex. 20:12–17). By these Ten Commandments, true theology and true worship, the name of God, family honor, life, marriage, property, truth, and virtue are well protected.
©BY Pastor Judah Oludare Olatunde
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