God is a Spirit: and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth.
John 4:24 KJV
Our Heavenly Father wants His children to worship and serve Him honestly, truthfully and sincerely.
He is a God of truth and abides in truth and anyone coming to Him must be truthful.
The word 'MUST’, makes it mandatory.
God said we must worship Him in spirit and in truth.
Anything otherwise is not acceptable by God's standard.
The scripture says, "Behold thou (God) desirest truth in the inward part." Psalm 51:6a.
Jesus told the Samaritan woman, 'you have really said the truth that you don't have husband'. John 4:17.
Her honest relationship with Jesus paved way for her. She was divinely connected and immediately became an Evangelist.
God sees everything about your life, He says, 'there is no human being who is not made manifest in His sight'. Hebrews 4:13. If you are worshiping this God in deceit, you are only deceiving yourself and endangering your life. God is watching you and He is not happy with such hypocritical lifestyle.
God is ready to help you out only if you can open up to Him like that Samaritan woman. Come out of your shell and be honest with your life. Tell yourself the truth before God and He will show you mercy. God loves honest relationship.
The scripture says, 'God is a Spirit’ and you are also a spirit being. God relates with you Spirit to spirit and this bears witness of your truthfulness in serving God. Ensure that you are genuinely born again and you are truly serving this Mighty God.
As an earthly father, when your children are truthful, honest, relating with you, you will be glad and joyful.
In the same way, God, our Heavenly Father rejoices when His children worship Him in spirit and truth, for He seeks such.
When God is glad with your Christian life, His blessings upon you flows like a river in all ramifications.
You are blessed.
You are lifted.
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