Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.  
John 14:12 KJV
Interceeding for lost souls is part of the greater works we should do as believers. People preached and prayed you into Christ, so do likewise otherwise, you become a selfish Christian.  
Today many don t really care about the lost because they are so concerned about their personal needs most of which just ends here on earth.
When you have a compassion for sinners, it will make you have passion to preach to the lost and create a burden to consistently intercede for them.  
God is so interested in this kind of work because He wants everyone to be saved. 

When God s interest of soul winning becomes your major concern which drives you to intercede for souls, God will ensure that your needs are met. 
Your honest intercession for sinners all over the World goes far to work out the miracles of salvation in their lives. 

All over the World, the Spirit of God is moving, there is a mighty revelation of the Glory of the LORD as the waters cover the sea. The Glory of The LORD Covers The Earth.  
There is A GREAT MOVE OF GOD in this end time. Be part of it.  
Spend quality time to intercede and agonize for the lost and revival in the body of Christ. There will be Great Miracles, Signs and Wonders globally, mass conversion of souls, Holy Ghost Power in Greater Manifestation. It shall be massive. 
Receive greater grace, strong faith and divine enablement to do your best under the Power of the Holy Ghost.  
Receive greater grace to preach, intercede, give and support soul winning.   
You are blessed, so blessed and mightily blessed as you do this greater works.  


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